We probably don’t need to convince you that the Design Sprint works, but a question we get asked a lot (from clients and individuals alike) is what the impact of LEARNING the Design Sprint is.
Of course, there’s the obvious…
- Getting things done faster
- Making more progress in 4/5 days than would normally be made in months
- Cutting out the need for endless meetings
- …the list goes on and on
But what’s surprising, even to us, is the huge impact learning the Design Sprint has on other areas of people’s lives (hint: happiness & $$$)
Recently we surveyed some of our Design Sprint Masterclass students, so we could really understand if, and how, learning the Design Sprint has tangible benefits outside of the productivity and focus domain, and boy oh boy we were excited to see the results…
92% of Design Sprint Masterclass graduates enjoy their work MORE after learning the Sprint

Seeing this put the biggest smile on our face. Of course, our mission at AJ&Smart is to spread as much awareness as possible about Design Sprints, but underneath that ambition is what underpins everything we do – a desire to help people do more meaningful, fulfilling valuable work.
Seeing these stats confirmed a hunch we’ve had all along… When people have a common goal to work towards, and a clear process that inspires progress, they derive much greater meaning and fulfillment in what they’re doing. The Design Sprint provides the perfect framework for exactly this.
94% are confident that knowing the Design Sprint will further their career

We knew that using Design Sprints increases productivity and focus, but turns out the Design Sprint can also have HUGE career-boosting benefits. Being able to run Design Sprints confidently gives you a massive professional advantage (especially right now when the majority of people DON’T know how to run a successful Sprint).
A nice side bonus of learning the Sprint is having a robust toolbox of techniques that you can use in your normal working routine as well! By utilizing bits and pieces of the Sprint exercises, you’ll be able to run better meetings, make big decisions more effectively, and work more impactfully. What we’ve seen with our alumni time and time again, is that their careers skyrocketed to the next level.
Here are two responses that really stood out to us…
“I used the resources you provided as a basis for creating and running an event with 9 parallel design sprints at once. It was so well received that we have scheduled two more in the next six months.”
“Adding this to my professional identity and brand has been a great advantage to me as a UX/product designer, in terms of my ability to speak to the process, use the process and my work, and act as a resource to others. The community is also incredibly helpful and one of the most valuable parts of the experience for me :)”
Investing in learning the Sprint really pays off…
Not only does learning the Sprint boost your career, but it also helps you earn more. Whether you’re an employee or a business owner, learning and using the Design Sprint is an excellent way to increase your prices, offer a new premium service, or work towards a promotion.
But don’t take our word for it, let the numbers speak for themselves. Of those we surveyed who said the Sprint had helped them earn more money…
- 47% have earned an additional $10,000 and $50,000 after learning the Sprint
- 13% have earned an additional $50,000 and $100,000!

Do these stats look like dark magic to you? How can learning ONE methodology make your revenue go through the roof?
Well, for one, the market for Design Sprints is HUGE and is expanding at an ever-accelerating rate. And while the demand continues to grow, the supply of skilled Design Sprint facilitators is just not catching up.
But it’s not about the ability to facilitate a Sprint only. It’s about the vital skills that any business owner will benefit from having, and any corporation wants its executives to have. You see, the Design Sprint is based on the principles of design thinking – a mindset that has been around since the ’80s and is slowly (but surely) taking over the business world!
Companies who have abided by the principles of design thinking have consistently outperformed their competition by 200%. There’s only one little hook – design thinking is a mindset with no clear process defined for applying it in business scenarios (read more on that in our recent article). Design Sprint takes care of that problem, providing a step-by-step manual for delivering great products, fast.
So it’s only natural that having Design Sprint in your professional toolbox makes you a thought-after professional on all fronts. No magic involved.
Want to learn more about the Design Sprint? Join Facilitator Club and connect with experts in the field
Can I become a Sprint facilitator just by reading the book?…
You probably could, and we are the biggest advocates for free knowledge sharing and making Design Sprints accessible to a wider audience (hint: check out our YouTube channel for some Design Sprint goodness AND have a look on this hub for some juicy articles.)
However, especially if you currently have a full-time job, or you’re running your own business, having to DIY it all can get pretty tiresome. Plus, you’d probably end up having to go through the same mistakes we did when we just started out with Sprints. So if you’re after the most efficient & quick way to learn about Design Sprint – take the shortcut (our Design Sprint Masterclass)!
And because we’re not the ones to sing our own praises, take it from people who have actually taken the course!

- 4.5 out of 5: the rating our graduates give the Design Sprint Masterclass
- 4.5 out of 5 say they’d recommend our Design Sprint Masterclass to others
- The resources, slide decks, checklists, and templates are what our community rank as being the most valuable element of our course. (It’s the actual resources we use at AJ&Smart when running Sprints with clients!)

Well there you have it – if you’ve ever wondered if there are any additional, perhaps less obvious, benefits to learning the Design Sprint then we hope this little article answers your questions! If you’ve been on the fence about changing something about your career: be it satisfaction, how much fun you’re actually having at work, your current position on the corporate ladder or your business’ monthly revenue – Design Sprint can help you turn your work life around.
Are you looking to future proof your career and learn a skill that will make you irreplaceable for ANY team? Then we have just the right thing for you! The Workshopper Playbook* is an entire that will teach you how to level up your career using workshops, AND will show the step-by-step method for creating and running custom workshops.
*We’re giving away copies of The Workshopper Playbook for FREE for a limited time, you’ll just need to cover shipping. Hot off the press, get it here, only while stocks last.